That morning, Diversity Council's individual and corporate members will gather for a free celebration breakfast buffet in Rochester, Minn.'s Radisson Plaza Hotel, where they'll watch the "TODAY" show. Afterwards, they'll get to see the premiere of Diversity Council's fresh-from-the-editing-room TV commercial, which launches the group's new "Stop Hate Speech Now" campaign.
Each year, Diversity Council conducts Prejudice Reduction Workshops in classrooms throughout Rochester and other cities in southeastern Minnesota. In 2006, trained PRW facilitators reached a record number of 17,708 K-12 students, engaging the youths in a series of 13 presentations that build respect for human differences; e.g., race, body size, disability, sexual orientation, social class, gender, religion.
Diversity Council's PRW curriculum is available for licensing to schools and community groups nationwide. A 30-hour facilitator training seminar is also available. For availability and pricing, phone 507.282.9951, or e-mail info@diversitycouncil.org.
Diversity Council also teaches adults. Last year, the organization reached more than 2,000 business managers, teachers, graduate students, human-resource professionals, social workers and others with its innovative education programs on diversity. Facilitators conduct free business training for Diversity Council's corporate members, who receive public recognition of their support and commitment to diversity as a value-added membership bonus.
For more information about Diversity Council's expansive aims to educate, communicate, collaborate and celebrate diversity in all its myriad forms, visit http://www.diversitycouncil.org/.
SOURCE: Diversity Council
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